SEBUTIR NASI DAN NASI BASI ( Belajar Empati dari Seorang Ibu Miskin)Grain of rice AND RICE BASI (Learning Empathy from A Mother Poor)
Ketika kita berhenti makan, seringkah kita menyisakan nasi di piring? Jangankan banyak. Sebutirpun saya sarankan sebaiknya kita habiskan. Usahakan jangan sampai ada sisa sebutir pun di piring. Jadikan piring mengkilat dan licin.
Mungkin ada yang bertanya, buat apa menghabiskan sebutir nasi? kan tidak kenyang juga? Sederhana saja saya akan menjawab.
When we stop eating, we often leave the rice on the plate? Let alone a lot. Sebutirpun I suggest we should spend. Try not to get any rest on a plate. Make your plate shiny and slippery.
Might ask, why spend a grain of rice? it is not too full? Quite simply I would answer.
First, the issue is not filling or not. Even a grain of rice is good luck God. He got our plate through the lengthy process. Involves a lot of people since sowing, planted, fertilized, harvested, milled, cooked up ahirnya to our plate. Not easy is not it, till rice on our plates? Was also the reason, why the old man in the village, many 'licking' hands full grain rice when finished eating. Maybe some people embarrassed or disgusted to do it. But the villagers do it as a manifestation of God rizki grateful attitude. Moreover, those farmers who know exactly how difficult it produces grain rice.
Second, more important to spend a grain of rice we ultimately learn to empathize. At the moment the poor is difficult to eat rice, we certainly unethical wasted it away. Indirectly, leaving rice on the plate, we might as abusing the honor of the poor. Although we can not help, at least we learned to empathize sharpen tugging him.
Frankly meaning of a grain of rice started bothers me finish received a phone call a friend yesterday. Empathic, my friend told me about the poor villagers he encountered. A story of the amplifier of the posts that 2/3 of poor people in rural areas.
The story is like this. A young mother, 22 years, was forced to raise her only son alone because her husband works as a construction worker in Jakarta. In addition to the children, she also bore his father's life were sickly. This young mother worked worked hard, because her husband could not send the money. Until this moment, the husband works just enough to survive in Jakarta.
One day my friend's mother met at this. After pleasantries, the conversation at the end of this young mother sent her the same message my friend, "if goldfish have rice casserole, do not remove it. mas do not be ashamed, just as my kasihkan ".
Of course my friend was stunned. Disbelief. How stale rice may be eaten? When calling to me, he said, "Rik ... so precious rice. From that moment on I promise, when the meal was not going to let a grain of rice left on my plate "
I'm happy because my friend loves to share. Together with his wife he often drove home lauknya rice complete with impoverished young mother. Certainly not delivered stale rice.
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